Thursday, February 09, 2006

Cuteness Galore

In this post, I play the role of the absurdly proud uncle. Cuteness lies ahead:

This is my little sister's baby, Abbie, sleeping with my favorite puppy dog, Shamus. Darlin', no?

Last weekend Tiger and I got to drive down and visit AC, Len, the baby, and the dog. It was a fantastic afternoon!

This is Bethany's son, Isaac Levi. Otherwise known as "Shmoo". Ain't he handsome? Bethany sent another picture with Isaac and his big brother, Elijah, bathing together. It's cute and all, but I figured I'd let the kids reach puberty before they have to deal with their family members showing everyone pictures of them naked in the bathtub.

This is another pic of Abbie, all bundled up and ready to go somewhere. Is there anything cuter than a baby wrapped up so that all you can see is their face and the pacifier crammed in their mouth? Well, maybe that pic of the puppy with a broken leg. But that's about it.

And to the right is a picture of Sweetbaby's lil' one, Sweetpea. James reports that Joshua David is more and more like him every day, which I can only assume means that he sleeps a good twelve hours and is rapidly developing an appreciation for barbeque ribs.

Oh, and if you ever do something really stupid and tick off your wife or girlfriend, I highly recommend that you immediately email them a copy of this picture of a Jedi Hamster. How can she be mad when she's looking at a picture of a hamster holding a mini-lightsaber?


At 8:08 AM, Blogger Sign2Jill said...

Dave, last week, I first saw the picture of the puppy with the broken leg. Honestly, I didn't get "it", didn't think it was too funny.

But today, I can't stop laughing my head off! It's so funny! How weird, huh?

Cute pictures of babies by the way! I'll make sure Sammie gets a look at the Jedi hamster.

At 8:18 AM, Blogger crazykarl7 said...

I'll need to bookmark the jedi hamster..


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