Saturday, September 24, 2005


Special thanks to all of you who were praying for me last week. Your prayers were effective, and I had a much better outlook through the second part of the week. God is good.

Last night I had the blessing of getting to see Caedmon's Call in concert. While I am generally highly critical of contemporary Christian artists, I love this band. They present a combination of innovative, rich music and wonderfully contemplative and poetic lyrics. And they put on a fantastic show!

I'll also tell y'all to keep your eyes open for a future edition of Washingtonian magazine, in which they list the 50 Best Places to Work in DC. We were notified at work this week that the Institute for Justice has been selected not only as one of the 50, but as one of only eight or nine of the places for whom photographs will be included. Now, I could've told you that IJ was a fantastic place to work (matter of fact, I probably have told you at some point), but it's really cool to see my own opinion validated in this way.

What is the best concert you've ever attended? What made it special?


At 8:40 AM, Blogger crazykarl7 said...

I've been to a total of 3 concerts. Beach Boys, Weird Al, and Great Big Sea (or Big Blue Ocean if you can't remember that first name)

Weird Al was the best. Shayna bought the tickets for me as a present. We got to go to Kings Dominion for the day with Jeff & Ashley and then listened to the concert.

At 10:16 AM, Blogger Shayna Willis said...

By far, Neil Diamond was the best concert ever! Sharing it with someone who shares my Neil Diamond appreciation and is also a great friend was what made it special. Weird Al is my second choice. What can I say? The man puts on a good show.

At 11:00 AM, Blogger Leann said...

I think you know my answer, but hey...I'll tell you anyway. My second Bon Jovi concert was the best. The 1st was amazing (at MCI Center) and I left more tired than I'd ever been in my entire life. But the 2nd one was at Nissan Pavillion and the band did an acoustic set before the electric show. I got to see/hear Jon perform my favorite song (Bed of Roses) during the acoustic set. They're amazing in concert and although he's 43, he'll make you feel like you're 43 and he's 27 when you leave the show.

At 8:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For musical virtuosity: The Allman Brothers Band at the Beale Street Music Festival in Memphis, 1996. Seven musicians at the top of their form who can improvise at the drop of a hat. They were so good, even I danced.

For performance: Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, Spring 1988 at the Capital Center. Nobody puts more energy and heart into a show than these guys.

For sentimental value: Stevie Ray Vaughan at Merriweather Post Pavilion, August 1989. It was during his post rehab phase when he was at the top of his game. He did things with a guitar that I have never seen anybody do since then. This concert was my going away present from my brother before I left for college and it was almost a year to the day before SRV died. A tragic loss that the music world has never recovered from, IMHO....

At 12:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First concert was Yes, their reunion tour, at George Mason and it was amazing. It was done in the round and each member got a solo. The last one was Chris Squire, bassist and he did Amazing Grace. It sent a shock wave through the crowd and then John Anderson came out and sang it. Wow.

My favorite concert is tied between The Newsboys and the Black Crowes. This will probably be the only place you will see those two bands in the same sentence. The Newsboys was another concert at Mason, the lead singer never stopped moving. The lead singer used to be the drummer, he and the current drummer had a drumming duel on what was pretty much the face of a clock. Incredible. The Black Crowes were at the 9:30 club, Odgie, Kelly and I went to see them and got on the front row. They live up to the reputation of the greatest band in Rock and Roll.

Hopfully this will counteract any mention of Bon Jovi or Neil Diamond. ;)

At 9:36 PM, Blogger jaime s said...

I love Caedmon's Call! Get this, I saw them in '96 in San Antonio at a Christian church.
So many concerts...hard question...Elton John & Billy Joel's tour in '94 hits near the top of the list. I always enjoy Amy Grant's concerts. She's so unimpressed with herself.


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