Monday, September 19, 2005

In Need of Prayer

I don't often ask other people to pray for me. I like to think it's because I'm generally very good at keeping my life in perspective - I can recognize how phenomenally blessed I am and that keeps me from obsessing over the things in my life that I wish were different. For the past couple of weeks, however, my world has been thrown off kilter and I am at something of a loss to know how to come to grips with it all. As a result, I am finding myself jealous, angry, and resentful over a particular situation. I was briefly given the hope that one of my oldest and most sincere prayers might be brought to fruition, only to see the opportunity ripped away quite suddenly so that now it seems very unlikely that my desired outcome will come about. To be sure, I do believe that there is a valid basis for much of what I am feeling, but at the same time I recognize that these emotions are not at all characteristic of me and they are far from being appropriate for one who intends to follow Jesus. As I am proving virtually powerless to control my feelings, and as my own prayers are not currently helping this situation, I ask each of you to pray on my behalf that God will help a sense of balance, perspective, and contentment return to me.

Thanks in advance. I am not allowing comments on this post.