Tuesday, August 16, 2005

First Kiss

For some reason - I have no idea why - I found myself remembering my first kiss the other day.

I was in eighth grade and had been cast in a community production of Carousel. I was incredibly proud to be in the show because I hadn't even auditioned. I had worked with the director a couple of years earlier, but didn't think there was really a place for me in that particular production. About six weeks before the show was scheduled to open, the performer who was playing Enoch Snow, Jr. (an 18-year-old character with a significant speaking part) dropped out. Even though I was only 14 and had never carried a part this large, Sherry called me up and asked me to take over the role. I was thrilled.

The weeks leading up to the performances were fantastic. Two or three nights a week I got to go down to the performing arts center for rehearsals. The show involved a number of kids about my age (including, if memory serves, my future brother-in-law!), a couple of whom I had performed with before in other productions. This time, however, we were old enough that our parents weren't sticking around to keep an eye on us. That meant that when I didn't have to be on stage, I got to hang out, unsupervised, with the others in the wings.

Among those other kids was Bronwyn. She was a year younger than me, tall, lithe, and (to my 14-year-old eyes) breathtakingly beautiful. In addition, she was widely recognized as a rising dramatic talent, which made her that much more intriguing and alluring. She was auditioning for roles in movies! She was going to be famous! I was smitten. (Yes, the picture is actually her! )

The week before the curtain went up on the production, we moved rehearsals over to the Civic Center performance hall and they became a nightly affair. We would be stuck down there almost to midnight each evening, and those of us with relatively minor parts had a whole lot of free time on our hands. As you might expect, I spent a lot of that time off in the wings talking with Bronwen.

Imagine, if you will, the scene: Late at night, we're off in the dimly-lit area to the left of the stage, sitting together in a swing that was part of one of the sets. We're looking into each other's eyes, and in the background the orchestra can be heard working through If I Loved You, one of the timeless classics from the show...

"If I loved you,
Time and again I would try to say...
All I'd want you to know.

If I loved you,

Words wouldn't come in an easy way...
Round in circles I'd go.

Longing to tell you, but afraid and shy,

I'd let my golden chances pass me by.

Soon you'd leave me,
Off you would go in the mist of day,
Never, never to know...

How I'd loved you...

If I loved you."

Everything within me was telling me to kiss her. I'll admit to the fact that I was apprehensive, because I'd never kissed anyone before. What if she slapped me? What if I was a bad kisser and she spread the rumor around to everyone?? What if she never talks to me again??? You know the thoughts that run through your head in such a situation.

But suddenly, as I looked at this lovely girl, I thought to myself - this is it, David Roland. If there ever was a time to make your move, this is the time. So slowly, hesitantly, I leaned in until her lips met mine somewhere in the middle. We held the contact briefly, then pulled back and smiled at each other. Before either of us could say anything, the director was calling for the next scene and I had to get on stage.

And that was it. The show closed the next Sunday evening and I never kissed Bronwen again, though we remained friends through high school. She did eventually get cast in a movie - in Disney's Tom and Huck, which was filmed not far from where we lived in North Alabama, she played Tom's older sister, Mary. All of her lines got cut from the final version of the film, but she does appear on screen several times with Jonathan Taylor Thomas (who played Tom) and she did briefly date Brad Renfro (who played Huck). I suppose that at the time I just wasn't much of a match for the likes of those guys. ;-) But even if nothing ever came of it, I'll always remember that night very fondly, and I'll always smile when I hear If I Loved You.

Who was your first kiss and how did it happen?


At 8:22 AM, Blogger crazykarl7 said...

Shari Marsh was mine. It was 9th grade and I was about to transfer from Stafford High to Courtland. On the last day I was there, there was a football game that night. She asks if I'm going to the game and I tell her yes. So we meet up at the game and we watch it and all. She doesn't have a ride home so my grandfather gives her a lift. We get to her place and I walk her to her door and she leans in and gives me a kiss..and then slips me some tongue.

God bless Shari Marsh. :-)

At 9:58 AM, Blogger Leann said...

I'm not exactly sure you want to be a match for Brad Renfro...I'm sure she's kicking herself now:

Knoxville, Tennessee: He struck a plea bargain on cocaine and marijuana charges and agreed to undergo random drug screening. [3 July 1998]

He was arrested in his hometown of Knoxville, Tennessee, when police pulled him over and allegedly found cocaine and marijuana in his pants and socks. [5 June 1998]

Arrested in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on a grand theft charge for allegedly trying to steal a 45 foot yacht. He and a companion failed to untie the boat from the dock, causing damage to both the boat and the dock. [28 August 2000]

Sentenced to two years probation and ordered to pay more than $4,000 for repairs on a yacht he tried to steal in Fort Lauderdale. [5 January 2001]

While on probation in Florida, arrested May 16, 2001 for underage drinking as car was pulled over. Released from jail after $500 bond posted. [May 2001]

January, 2002 - Knoxville, Tennessee Brad was arrested and charged with public intoxication and driving without a license. He was stopped after a traffic violation near his house.

Ordered back to jail for remainder of probation by Florida judge due to his drunk driving arrest in January. [February 2002]

At 10:04 AM, Blogger Pelagius said...

Yeah, that sounds about like the Brad Renfro she described. I'm pretty sure that she wasn't exactly interested in him for his sterling moral character, know what I mean? Unfortunately, I wasn't interested in her for her sterling moral character, either.

I'm older and wiser now. At least I think I am...

At 10:33 AM, Blogger Kelli said...

my first kiss was when i was 17 with josh carpenter. he was my summer fling before i went to college, and it really wasn't that momentous. my main memory of him (besides him being morman and not appreciating my jokes about how he dated several other girls at the same time he was dating me) was that he ended up being almost 2 years younger than me. :) anyway, my first kiss with brent was much better and momentous. :) older guys rule!!

At 10:50 AM, Blogger JavaBoy said...

great post, dave! memories like that are always fun to hang on to...

mine was sharon at church camp (ha, take that counselors!). I was sort of dared to do it, but it was magic. i felt like i was 5 feet tall (i was 4'9" at the time =)

At 3:13 PM, Blogger Hannah said...

Can I plead the 5th? ;)

At 7:22 PM, Blogger Jessica said...

Getting caught behind the nap mats in pre-school. I was fast and loose as a four-year-old. But for real, Matt from Mussel Shoals, Alabama at “smart-kid camp” the summer after 7th grade. We had a dance, he wasn’t real smooth or anything – not a very good kiss at all.

At 1:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very first kiss....his name was Max and we were both about 5 years old. I was playing in our back yard, he asked my father first and then came over and planted a big one. I was furious and don't recall ever talking to him again. First real kiss was with Josh Kellar in 10th grade. (hahaha, hannah!) Post date, on the porch. I did talk to Josh again. :)

At 8:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, my "first" kiss wasn't any good, I wasn't prepared for it, didn't want it to happen even though I figured it was coming and was annoyed when it did. It was sloppy and wet. yew. but fortunately we did go on another date after that and we kissed again, which I count as my "first" kiss because the first one was so bad. :)


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