Thursday, October 19, 2006

For All You Weird Al Lovers Out There has posted a really fascinating assessment of the career and genius of Weird Al Yankovic.

"Troubadork: Twenty-five years of 'Weird Al' Yankovic" discusses why the artist's fame continues today, even after so many of the pop entertainers who first inpired Al's brilliant parodies have gone on into obscurity. How is it that a 47-year-old, intentionally square entertainer remain so relevant to our society? Sam Anderson's answer is simple: Yankovic provides a welcome reality-check to balance out the over-the-top, scarcely-believable lifestyles promoted by the purveyors of popular culture.

The article is a fun read. I hope you'll check it out.


At 9:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was a good article. One thing they didn't mention, but would fit in, is that whenever you join up on any of the weird al lists (fan club, my space, etc) you become a "close personal friend of Al"


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